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Income Tax for NRIs

The taxability of an individual in India depends upon one’s residential status in India for any particular financial year. The term residential status has been defined under the income tax laws of India and must not be confused with an individual’s citizenship in India. An individual may be a citizen of India but may end up being a non-resident for a particular year. Similarly, a foreign citizen may end up being a resident of India for income tax purposes for a particular year. Therefore, determining residential status is crucial for understanding tax obligations.

Who is an NRI ?

An NRI, or Non-Resident Indian, refers to an Indian citizen or Person of Indian Origin (PIO) who resides outside India for employment or business purposes. The definition of NRI can vary depending on the context and governing laws in India.

The two main laws that govern and prescribe the rules for NRIs in India are as follows:

  • Income Tax Act - Governs the tax liabilities of NRIs
  • Foreign Exchange and Management Act (FEMA) - Governs all transactions and investments, the opening of bank accounts, etc., of NRIs

The Income Tax Act and the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) have different definitions of an NRI. 

The Income Tax Act has definitions based on the number of days spent in India and the Income in India (this has been discussed in detail below). 

On the other hand, as per FEMA Act, the intention of the person living in India / leaving India is equally important in addition to the number of days spent in India

Nri Oci Image

Asked Questions

  • Q: When are you considered as a non-resident Indian (NRI)?

    A person who is not a resident of India is considered a non-resident of India (NRI). You are a resident if your stay in India for a given financial year is: 182 days or more 60 days or more and 365 days or more in the 4 immediately preceding previous years In case you do not satisfy either of the above conditions, you will be considered an NRI.

  • Q: When should an NRI file his return of income in India?

    An NRI, like any other individual taxpayer, must file his return of income in India if his gross total income received in India exceeds Rs 2.5 lakh for any given financial year. Further, the due date for filing a return for an NRI is also 31 July of the assessment year or extended by the government.

  • Q: Is income from rental income taxable in India as well as abroad?

    If there is a rental income in India, then Income tax return need to be filed in India mentioning the PAN and tax to be paid. Also to note, that though holding one property in India is considered as ‘self-owned’, a second property, even if it is not on rent, is considered ‘deemed rented’ and tax needs to be paid for that. You can, however, show 30% of the deemed rental as ‘maintenance cost’. There is no tax to be paid abroad (say, USA) on ‘deemed’ income, but declaring it is important as during repatriation of funds from India, it should not cause any issue.

  • Q: Is an NRI taxable on the income he receives in India, in his country of residence? What is the role of the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA) here?

    If an NRI receives income in India, such income is taxable in India, i.e. India as a source state has the right to tax such income. However, the country where such NRI is a resident will also have a right to tax such income as it is the residence state. This way, the NRI will end up getting taxed twice on the same income. To overcome this, India has entered into DTAAs with various countries. It will help eliminate double taxation by allowing the taxpayer to claim credit for foreign taxes paid while filing their return of income in the home country.

  • Q: Is Income tax Act applicable only to residents?

    No, The Income tax Act applies to all persons who earn income in India. Whether they are resident or non-resident.

  • Q: How is resident/ non-resident status relevant for levy of income tax?

    In case of resident individuals and companies, their global income is taxable in India. However non-residents have to pay tax only on the income earned in India or from a source/activity in India.

  • Q: I own shares of various Indian companies and receive dividends. Is it taxable?

    Yes, The dividend declared by Indian companies is taxable in the hands of the shareholders at the rate of 20.00% without providing for deduction under any provision of Income Tax Act.

  • Q: I am going out of India. Who will file my income tax return for this period?

    You can authorize any person by way of a Power of Attorney to file your return. A copy of the Power of Attorney should be enclosed with the return.

  • Q: Does an NRI also have to pay advance tax?

    Yes, if an NRI’s tax liability is expected to exceed Rs. 10,000 in a financial year, he must pay advance tax. Interest under Section 234B and Section 234C will be levied if advance tax is not paid.